

Our ONE-4-ONE initiative is a fund we use to help those in need. It’s simple: donate a dollar to help one person or family. People or families are nominated by our church family to help them in their time of need! 

Grow Love Garden

Our green thumbs come together every growing season to produce hundreds of pounds of fresh produce for our local mission partner, i-58! If you would like to join us, email us!

Prayer Team

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. Chronicles 16:11

Our Prayer team meets throughout the week to pray.

If you would like to join the team, email us!

Meal Ministry

Supporting families in need by providing a meal.

If you would like to help with this ministry or if you are in need of a meal because of a new baby or you’re in the hospital, please visit the links below.

If you need any other help, please call the church office.

Serving Women

If you are in need, or know of a woman who has a need; such as home repair, lawn care, car repair, or another need, please register for assistance. We would like to bless you or your nominee by sending out a team to help!

If you would like to serve on this team, please send us an email.

Men's Ministry

Empowering the men of our church to radically impact their sphere of influence for Christ through the church, home, work, and the community. 

Providing opportunities for men to connect, to grow, and to become disciples of Jesus. 

We meet throughout the week on campus and throughout the city.

Women's Ministry

A year-round women’s ministry devoted to empowering our women to make lasting impact in the lives of people in our church and community.

Welcome Team

Our Welcome Team provides an amazing place with positive, encouraging volunteers who are simply showing people Christ’s love through:

  • Helping people find parking spaces and getting into the building
  • Greeting people in the parking lot
  • Opening doors while welcoming them in
  • Helping guests find their way around the building
  • Providing information
  • Connecting through fellowship and coffee in the café
  • Assisting in finding a seat in the worship services
  • Helping guests with baptisms
  • Setting communion trays

To join the team, please click the Welcome Team button. 

Grow Groups

Whatever season of life you are in, others are walking in the same season and you can be in community together. We can provide you with the tools you will need to start a studygrow in your faith, and we will support you along the way. 

To join a group, please click the Join a Group button.

Worship & Tech

Worship Team Band
A skilled instrumental group, capable of keeping consistent rhythms, as well as accurately play chord and/or rhythm patterns selected to lead in worship services. They must be able to accompany a worship leader, flow with a group of musicians, and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Worship Team Vocals
A selected vocal group, capable of holding the melody or harmony parts of music, utilized to lead in worship services. They blend their individual styles with the rest of the singers, have a heart for worship, and are willing to lead by example (i.e. clapping, singing, shouting, dancing, lifting of hands, kneeling, bowing and standing).

Worship Tech Team
The Worship Tech team is a group of worship leaders who sit in the background. These leaders run sound, lights, cameras and everything on the screens. It is our passion to set the table for everyone entering our doors. We would LOVE for you to join the Worship Tech Team, but there are a few requirements.

Go Love Day

Once a quarter, ONE Church serves the community through different projects.

These events are usually about half a day in length. The details will be on our Events page and in the Serve Day App on your phone or tablet.

Car Care

Car Care is a ministry to single moms, widows, and wives of deployed military. We provide free oil changes one every quarter. Register for the dates and times that you are available. Our next event is located on the events page

Jesus Prom

Hosted by ONE Church, It’s a party of epic proportions, a chance for people, all people, to have the best night possible.

Inspired by the parable of the wedding feast found in Luke, Jesus says, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” 

Jesus Prom is a place where we can all come as we are, a place of love and acceptance, a place of freedom and joy. Jesus Prom is about the heart of Jesus, a heart of joy, acceptance and truth. Jesus Prom is for all of us!

The Academy

The Academy partners with parents to enhance the social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and spiritual growth of children through a faith-based program for ages 1 through kindergarten.
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