Grow Groups

At ONE Church, we believe that we are not meant to live life on our own. We are created to live in community with each other. Growing as believers in Jesus is a lifelong process meant to be experienced in community with others. 

The mission for our groups is to passionately love God, and intentionally love people through discipleship and outreach. ONE Church believes discipleship does not end with following Christ, but being in community with one another to Know God, Grow Deep, and Go Love. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 

Most groups run on a semester cycle. Fall semester starts in September and ends in December before the holidays. Spring semester typically begins in January and ends by the beginning of May. The summer is reserved for mission trips, community outreach, camp involvement, and individual study.

Men's Groups

Sunday Night Men's Group

Sunday 5pm

Men who are looking for an accountability group that will help them grow closer to God.

Men's Disc Golf

Monday 4:30pm

Men with a love for disc golf meet weekly for fellowship, open to ONE Church members and non-members alike.

Men's Monday Coffee

Monday 7-8:30am

A group for men at different life stages navigating scripture and applying it to current situations. Focused on accountability, authenticity, and reflecting Jesus in everyday life.

Monday Night Men's Group

Monday 7pm

Men who are looking for an accountability group that will help them grow closer to God.

Galvanized: Men's Panel Discussion

Wednesday 6-8pm every 2 months

A bi-monthly, multi-generational group for men ages senior in high school and up. Features panel discussions, Q&A, roundtable talks, and food.

Young Adult Men's Group

Tuesday 7:30am

For men aged 20s-30s, married or single, this group meets for Bible study and fellowship over Chick-fil-A meals.

Wednesday Night Men's Group

Wednesday 6:30pm

Men who are looking for an accountability group that will help them grow closer to God.

Friday Morning Men's Group

Friday 7am

Men who are looking for an accountability group that will help them grow closer to God.

Men's Golf

Friday or Saturday 10am

We meet once a month to fellowship and play golf.

Active Fellowship

Saturday 7am

For adult men who are interested in growing closer to the LORD through fellowship, Bible study and prayer. Basketball is the main exercise at the ONE Church gym.

Women's Groups


Tuesday 10am

A women’s group focused on personal growth, mutual encouragement, and grace-filled living.

Community Bible Study

Tuesday 9:45 AM

A Bible study for women of all age groups and stages of life, from classes for toddlers and teens to classes for adults who are single and married. Together we explore the Bible and what it tells us about the God who has woven His story through history and is present with us now.

ONE Moms

Every other Wednesday 10-11:30am

A group for moms with young kids focused on navigating life through book studies and community-building.

Women in the Word

Wednesday 6:15-8pm

A group of women engaging in various Bible studies to grow together in their faith.


Wednesday 6-8pm

In this 10-session Bible study on the letters of 1, 2, and 3 John, Jen Wilkin helps you see how two thousand years later, his words call to Christians in similar challenges to recall a great salvation and to abide in the truth. This is for any female who wants to study the Word in depth from 13-100 years old! Childcare is not provided.

Messy Moms

Every other Wednesday 6pm

Messy Moms that have school aged children getting together for a devotion, some fellowship and food. Bring the mess, we will provide the support and community. Childcare is not provided.

Thursday Morning Women's Bible Study

Thursday 9:30-11am

Women meet weekly to discuss books that deepen their understanding of the Bible and Jesus, fostering fun and excitement in every gathering.

Health-minded Coffee and Conversations

Second Thursday 9:30-11:30AM

A group for women on a health journey, meeting over coffee to support each other and share ideas.

Donkeys & Rocks


This is a mother's and daughter's group open to anyone from high school on up. Imagine a group of mothers and daughters laughing, sharing and igniting a deeper appreciation for the glory of God. ~ With food, of course!

Couple's Groups

Linkous Couples Group

Sunday 4-6pm

A group for younger couples and families with children. We explore books of the Bible and relevant topics in a conversational setting. Childcare is provided, allowing intentional time to strengthen your faith and establish vision for your marriage and family.

Trinquero Couples Group

Sunday 2pm

This group gathers to discuss life and study the Bible. Designed for couples ages 50 and up.​

Thompson Serve Group

Thursdays 6 - 8pm

We serve the community monthly (families with kids aged 4+ welcome). Also meets once a month for fellowship and prayer.​

Everyone's Welcome Groups


Sunday 10:30am

A group learning to defend their faith by exploring biblical teachings and applying them to everyday conversations.

Prayer Partners

Sunday between services & Tuesday 6am

A gathering to pray in community for each other, our sphere of influence, our families, our community, our church and the world.

B.A.G.S of Money

Sunday 5:30-6:30pm, ZOOM

Be A Good Steward of Money. This is a group designed to learn how to be good stewards of what God has given us. There are practical steps to

Biblical Principles of Government

Monday 6:30PM

We meet together to cover topics that answer questions like: What biblical principles can be taken from the scriptures and applied to our civil government today? How are these Principles being undermined in our lifetime?

Business Leader's Breakfast

1st & 3rd Monday 7am

We meet twice a month to fellowship and learn what God's Word says about stewarding business.


Monday 5-7pm

Just Older Youth is for older single adults, this group focuses on navigating life, studying scripture, and building meaningful connections.


Monday 6:30-8pm

A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief.

Young Adults Group

Monday 7pm

For individuals aged 21-35, this group focuses on Bible study and community. Gender-specific discussions are common, but childcare is not provided.


Wednesday 6-8pm

A group of people, mostly over 30, studying scripture and growing together in faith.

Journey Bible Study

Wednesday 6:15-7:45pm

Join us for an exciting, new Bible study adventure beginning with the book of Galatians! Life is a journey, and there's no better way to navigate it than by walking in the Word of God.

Fans of Fellowship

Thursday 6-8PM

This is a group for adults that share a passion for sports and looks at different ways that God uses athletes to show His greatness.


Monday 6:30-8PM

A safe, caring environment for those recovering from divorce or separation, offering hope and healing through community and shared experiences.


Thursday 10:30-12pm

Senior Bible study for singles and couples. Coffee and snacks are served at 10AM.

Intentional Parenting

Every Other Thursday 8:15-9:15pm, ZOOM

Join us as we watch the video series from Phil and Diane Comer. Helping parents in their God-given task of raising and making disciples of their children.

Bashor Men's Shelter Support

Friday or Saturday 5-8pm

We will work together to serve a men's shelter in Atlanta. Any age or ability can support this shelter, by making or supplying and serving a dinner to the men at the shelter.

Grow Love Garden

Wednesday 6-8pm, Saturday 9-11am

We provide a fellowship opportunity for all ages to learn about growing vegetables and to distribute to those in need through the I58 Mission.


Sunday 4-6PM, Tuesday & Friday 4-8PM

This is for anyone wanting to play pickleball. All skill levels welcome.

Cancer Survivor's Group

Monday 4-5:30pm

For those who have survived cancer, and for those who have been caregivers, family members or otherwise been a part of the support system for their loved one(s) in their cancer journey, this group offers support and Bible study focused on glorifying God in life after recovery.

Circle Maker


We are a community seeking the heart of God through prayer and intercession. Believing that breakthrough comes from praying through, we are committed to praying effectively and fervently for our families, friends, and community.

Grupos de UNA Iglesia

Discipulado I en español.

Domingo 9-10:30AM

Mi grupo de crecimiento está dirigido a la comunidad que habla Espanol, brindándoles los principios de una vida cristiana.

Mujeres de Una Iglesia

Miércoles 7-8pm, ZOOM

Estudios Bíblicos para el crecimiento de la mujer y familia.

Pescador De Hombres


Pescador De Hombres Una Iglesia lanzamiento 02/21/2025 reuniones cada primera y tercera semana del mes 7:00pm lugal Una Iglesia.

Want to lead a group?

At ONE Church we believe in the Acts 2:42-47 model for our groups. We encourage turning existing relationships, gifts, interests, passions, and hobbies into disciple-making Grow Groups. This is a lifestyle connection point that creates a great reason to come together with others. Leading a Grow Group means that you are willing to facilitate community through discipleship by studying the Word of God, deepening your faith, and sharing life together. Leading an Interest Group means by cultivating friendships and connecting through similar interests as a path for spiritual growth. 

 If you are interested in being a Group leader or want to learn more about leading, let us know.


We want to equip you with amazing Bible Study tools that can be used with your group or family!

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