Impacting millions of children, students and their families with the gospel of Jesus.

The vision of the ONE Church Awana club is to continue that mission by helping parents disciple their children – providing resources, incentives, mentors, fun, support and encouragement.
Parent involvement is key and there are activities that children and parents complete together at home each week.  We look forward to walking with you as you guide your family’s discipleship journey!  

At this time, unfortunately our club is currently at capacity and we are unable to accept registrations for additional children.  Please email awana@beonechurch and ask to be placed on the waiting list.


Randy & Jinda Skov and Mo Ingram, Awana Ministry Directors

Ages 2-3

Cubbies CLUB

Ages 3-4

Sparks CLUB

Grades K-2

Truth & Training CLUB

Grades 3-6

About Awana

Wanna know more about Awana?


More volunteers equals more kids and their families grow in their faith.


Everything you need to know and when it’s happening. Awana meets most Wednesday evenings from 6-7:45PM during the school year, following the Fayette County School schedule.

club Policies

Our club rules and procedures help us be safe, effective, and have fun.


Registration is currently closed for the 2024 – 2025 school year. We will open registration near the end of the summer for the 2025-2026 school year. 


Have questions or need more information about Awana?

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